Your paycheck stub can be created in just a minute with
No - When you make a pay stub on we make it really easy. Your check stub just needs you to plug in your information - company name, employee name, address, employee ID, how much you make, and pay frequency. Then, let our pay stub maker instantly create a pay stub you can download or print.
If you forgot your password, please tap the 'Forgot password?' button on the login page and the password will be sent in your email address.
Definitely! Just click the button for salary instead of hourly in the options section.
Complete only 10 minutes of offers and gain 100 points and have access to create paystub for free or subscribe by paying via
Absolutely, as we use 128 bit encryption and the industry standard SSL protection. We take the privacy of our customers very seriously and payment is via PayPal for your security.
Our pay stubs can be downloaded INSTANTLY and it will be emailed to you too and you can login always to create unlimited paystub.
Special paper is not needed to print your pay stubs - but it looks cool! These are real pay stubs.
Pay stubs generated and emailed to you are PDF documents. If you cannot open and print them you might need Adobe Reader software installed. It is a free download from Adobe Acrobat.